Monday, April 30, 2012

# 4 hedgehogs are dangerous. who knew?

So the kids have tests today= half day for Faith Teacher.  I went over to the Chinese teacher's apartment and had lunch...she has a hedgehog. 

The little man is pretty cute but super timid. Everytime she would touch it, it would start vibrating and curl into itself....Now you may think that a hedgehog is not that big of deal....but according my fellow teacher hedgehogs have a tendency to eat ...hamsters...what?! That's what I said. So she told me about her friend...
"my Chinese sister (older friend) had a hamster and a hedgehog. She came back after leaving one time. "
And?- me
"The hedgehog was eating the hamster."
This is horrifying. 
"Yes, My friend was very scared of her hedgehog, and so she made it diet."
" it is too small."
This seems like the opposite solution to a hungry pet....putting it on a diet??

So here is the little man...not the hamster eating one.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

HERE COMES number 3.

Today was a nice Sunday. spent it with Ina and Elaine. Watched The Avengers, and rested outside in a park. It was fabulous until Elaine decided to greet a dog nearby. As soon as Elaine was close enough the dog lept up and began barking loudly at her. It was hilarious....for me.


My friend Min. She's awesome! and so much fun. we had dinner and laughed over a certain Korean man and walked down by the water. It was super nice. I love that she showed me a new place that I had never even known Existed! woot! There was a rainbow bridge. cool huh?

Friday, April 27, 2012


So here is my first picture. Man sleeping on the "monorail" (there was a debate if that was the correct word since there were 2 trains on said "monorail"). He was sighing and moving his upper lip. It kind of looked like an animal dreaming of chasing some kind of vermin. Sorry "monorail" man. sorry.
A cute cafe we were in today!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

So here I am on a new blog....after a year in k-town and being unable to access my previous blog. sorries! ^^ I'm gonna be posting a pic a day. Then you'll get a feel for my world and I don't have to write a book. Cause their is certainly material for a book and then some.

Today the kids have their isn't a lot for me to do in the office. In a little while I will be going with some fellow teachers to climb a moutain...or at least what K-town deems a moutain.