Breaking. It's a quiet thing.
swept into a sea of empty.
I feel like this blog at times resorts to gimmicks, and though I truly enjoy supplying everyone with lovely gifs and what I deem worthy anecdotes. Sometimes. I want to be serious with you.
I can't say that this post isn't a reflection or response to events of my life, because that would a complete denial of the truth. And why not tell you a little bit of the truth? I believe I am in a minority on a certain view. Which is sad.
How I view friendship. That's what I will write about today.
I think and believe Friends are forever.(I saw you roll your eyes!) Which seems to be an illogical assumption living in a climate like Korea where nothing is stable. I am the child who when she gave a friendship bracelet REALLY and truly believed in it. Seems to the cynical world a little like a fairytale. That we are crossing our fingers and wishing on some friendship star. And at times I feel the same.
Because sometimes you make friends out of pure need. I've done it. Sometimes you have to for the sake of your own sanity break or limit the time spent with certain people. And when I encounter this....I feel so utterly WRONG. Even when I know a relationship is unhealthy, I cling.
So am I only wishing for something that is impossible?
no. We are made to be in relationship with one another. I view fights as fights but not endings. Problems can be worked through. I think that so many of the people I encounter have a different perspective. If we fight it's over? They seem to genuinely believe this. It's so different than how I operate.
I have a best friend. She is lovely. Even though I sometimes misuse her, she is my best friend for a reason. It's mutual, or we try our best to be. but even sometimes I take too much because I'm imperfect and at my core selfish.
I'm rambling all this off because I have some free time and this is actually an old and unfinished post.
So if you happen to think I'm talking about you. Silly billy. I probably am. lol. just kidding.
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