I think for the most part this blog comes off as a jovial poke at the strange land of kpop and kimichi...and psy....make it stop.
I intend to make you laugh. however. I have these reflective moments and you are now going to be on the receiving end.
I came to Korea because I thought God told me to go. It's been this hard rocky thing I've done. I have moments where I literally think my sanity has left me. Where I feel like Rage faces are my only relief.
There is this mysterious idea called "culture shock." it is indeed a strange undefinable beast.
( I've talked to people recently who believe they haven't experienced it in Korea. and to you. I kindly say..false! or maybe you're a super high value of humanness.)
I will raise my hand! I experienced it.
And through that God has been so FAITHFUL. and has blessed this woman who ignores her creator so much of the time. I mean if you were to transcribe my thoughts you would be stunned...and alarmed. Maybe you'd ask..."How can she think of robot bunnies that much?"
But the truth is that God loves me. He gives me things I ask for even if I don't deserve them. And weird things too. Like answering a prayer to meet a j-pop idol to rescuing me from my bathroom. God is faithful. When I'm faithless. So what does that mean?
It means that instead of assuming that disaster is about to befall me and running away screaming.
I should assume that God has it under control. I should assume that my prayers are effective that God hears them, and answers them.
Then it follows... if my prayer to meet the idol could change into a prayer for his salvation, if my prayer to make it through the day could change into a prayer to demonstrate Christ. I might be surprised at the results.
These thoughts aren't funny. sorry. but that dolphin story is still available....should you need it.
Your thoughts here are good, faithy.