First, let me start by explaining the trouble I went through to go to Japanland for a concert. A CONCERT....
I experienced a plane ride the day of the concert from my domicile
Ran through the tokyo metro....(HAVE YOU SEEN THAT MESS? cause it is one), checked into my hostel, and navigated to the Tokyo Dome. OH GLORY. If you have never been to the Tokyo Dome I will be supplying pictures so you understand the pandemonium experienced there within. IT IS PANDEMONIUM.
Ok so imagine 50,000 JPOP fans(I FEEL YOUR JUDGEMENT!)
Ok so imagine 50,000 JPOP fans(I FEEL YOUR JUDGEMENT!)
milling around the outside of this stadium. Imagine 3 white girls wide-eyed in disbelief and pure rapture at being ad-mist fans who love the same people we do.
We were memorized, amazed and awed at the paraphernalia everywhere. AND I MEAN EVERYWHERE.
"Did you see them?" I whispered to my friend, gesturing to some girls cos-playing as Kat-tun(you with the confused look, let me help you out cos-playing means dressing up as) .
(I realized at that moment I am not hardcore. If that was you, I'm SLOW CLAPPING FOR YOU RIGHT NOW....)
We checked out the merch. tent. And let me tell you that in itself is an experience.
Imagine a line, longer than your life, being PATROLLED by security. Who will not let you. 1. take pictures of the dome. STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING..
They are very orderly and after you snake your way through the line to the tents, you can purchase your goods. But here is what happens. PANIC.
I have no idea why, but all of the sudden my friends and I found us under the compulsion to buy EVERYTHING. I was feverish. "kame poster...poster...poster... key chain... photos,..... wait...where did my money go???"
And I felt like I had TO HURRY....or I would possibly die/they would sell out (that's the same thing right?). Not considering that they had mountains of the stuff. I was like a Zombie thinking one thing "BRAINS....BRAINS...."
Upon entering the Tokyo Dome, which is only about the size of the sun.
My friends and I attempted to find our seats. I say "attempted," because I am the stupid foreigner. I am not offended by this. It's true.
We gazed at our tickets....GATE 40.....row 65....I was previously prepared that we were high up. I knew it before the cute Usher spotted us and told me "WAIT WAIT" (yes adorable man, I will wait for you.)
Cutie Pie Usher however felt it necessary to count every row until our seat. I kid you not. "1 to 65." It went like this:
"row 1....(shakes head) no..."
"row 2....(shakes head) no..."
"row 3....(shakes head) no..."
"row 64....(shakes head) no."
To finally arrive at row 65, where there is no oxygen.
Now I am not complaining...but some other people could have been down there for all I know....If It were me, I would totally sit back stage and back my orders to have someone else run around in my costume pretending to be me...yeah I'm a nice person.

But I still HAD A BLAST....and loved it. So gloorrry be.
We gazed at our tickets....GATE 40.....row 65....I was previously prepared that we were high up. I knew it before the cute Usher spotted us and told me "WAIT WAIT" (yes adorable man, I will wait for you.)
Cutie Pie Usher however felt it necessary to count every row until our seat. I kid you not. "1 to 65." It went like this:
"row 1....(shakes head) no..."
"row 2....(shakes head) no..."
"row 3....(shakes head) no..."
"row 64....(shakes head) no."
To finally arrive at row 65, where there is no oxygen.
Now I am not complaining...but some other people could have been down there for all I know....If It were me, I would totally sit back stage and back my orders to have someone else run around in my costume pretending to be me...yeah I'm a nice person.
But I still HAD A BLAST....and loved it. So gloorrry be.
a replay of my excitement (ask me about this sometime.)
The Mc was long of course, and my Japanese limited to "Cool" and "do your best" meant I took my cues from the audience...laughing along where they laughed...nodding when they
nodded and so on.
I did A heck of A LOT of AWKWARD laughing...perhaps you are familiar ...especially at English words....MONKEY SEE....MONKEY DO.
Encore 1 It's never REALLY over now is it?

5 large Chain ballons complete with smiles were unleashed Where they hid them was a mystery to me. Hmmm....I must find this out.A VERY large inflatable chain was “tied” to each and below the 5 balloons hung a basket with a member in each.
Part of it deflated, and I sense… someone was FIRED. And should it fall on you......
And of course it ended as everything does....and I cried my tears and managed to bend my posters on my way out of the Dome.
I'm still weeping.
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