Note: I am a fangirl. This horrendous confession is true. but rather than shudder away from your judgmental stares I will embrace them. Knowing that I am 1. truly in love. 2. It is sincere. 3. it is deep. 4. it is lasting. And recently my existence was made known to the object of my affection(OMA for short)...when we stared into each other's eyes. sigh...pure bliss.
I went to the musical "Dreamboys." I know what you are thinking....sounds like a stripper show right? Well remove your mind from that gutter and imagine a theatre, Jpop music, high flying aerobatics, and of course...glitter. (I reread that and realize that may not help my case) ha.
After a spectacular show and potentially my last time seeing my OMA, I convinced Ina to return to the scene of the crime. I was hoping of repeat last year's experience where I lined up all orderly-like with other Japanese girls to SILENTLY wave to a chubby hand waved back from the window. And that was the end of my expectations.
But still I padded my hands together in a hope that my prayer to meet my OMA would be answered.
I had changed from my previously dressier outfit into a t-shirt and essentially no make-up. I laughed at the girls around me adorned with makeup kits and fancy dresses. Why were they readying themselves for a hand! HA! silly Japanese fans.
I stood confidently...greedily eating my ice cream, ignoring any looks in my direction. These girls just don't know how this works. I laughed....
Whenever a Japanese person would come down the corner yelling something, I would shrug and follow whatever cue I could pick up on. Shuffle here. Stand there. be quiet. Squeeze tight. 4 people in a row. orderly orderly. good job fan club girls.
That was how the whole thing went, until Letters appeared. 600 girls with letters. Everyone had magically produced them and Ina, myself, and a handful of Japanese women where ordered out of line.
The instruction went like this: "No letter....No line"
WHAT??! my mind spun...why was the line moving? could it be that my OMA was meeting people with letters? INCONCEIVABLE! and me without one???? UNACCEPTABLE!
"Quick INA! PAPER!" I may have been hysterical and panicky... After begging several Japanese women (WHO WERE BY THE WAY AROUND 60 yeah figure that out?), for paper I hastily wrote the worst letter I've ever penned, in green pen. It went like this:
Dear Kame,
I came from America to see you. You are wonderful performer. You are my favorite member of Kat-tun. I (heart) U.
That includes a giant heart on both the outside and inside of the letter, which I folded and continued to perspire on.
At this point I was considerably less beautiful than before. Hot and sweaty, hair turning into a lion. I must have resembled chewbuka.
for the uncultured....
When we finally discovered that my OMA was at the end of horrendous line. I got way too excited, to which Ina attempted to calm me down. I think my answer was: "Shut up./don't you tell me to calm down!" or some variant of that.
I saw him in the distance, and realized. 2 facts. 1. we were the first foreigners in the line. 2. I HAD to go before Ina.
It was Go time. I had been desperately clasping Ina's hand, my heart beating wildly, every time a tearful fan passed on her way from meeting OMA. But now I shoved a surprised Ina behind me, and snarled, "I'm going first!"
Ask me if I would have done that differently and I will ANSWER: NO.
MY OMA stood before me. Hair curly from his shower, grey shirt, and black pants. He looked tired and said nothing. His eyes met mine and widened in surprise. I appreciated the surprise. SCORE! Now I remember what I looked like. His surprise was probably not a reaction to my beauty.
I came to life with extra energy and fumbled with my letter. "errr....THANK you...." I put on my biggest smile. It was probably super frightening. I bowed like a school girl in an anime and placed my letter with two hands into his.
I looked up just in time to catch his eyes, and see him give me a toothless smile.
I turned around remembering my friend.
"FAITH!" Ina screamed. and I grabbed her hands, and much to the disdain of the Japanese fan club girls we skipped and shouted down the line. I might have done some variation of jig, kicking my legs out wildly.
I possibly resembled tom cruise on Oprah....
Then I cried.... then I couldn't breathe.... then I sat down and tired to remember my name... oh rapture!
here is my OMA
If I get one comment that he looks like a woman...
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