So anyone who knows me knows I have an infinity to Asian. Did someone gasp??? You can see yourself off this post.
It was revealed recently that OMA(object of my affection) has been meeting with an older you get worked up... calm down. It's just one picture...or three connected...but really who is counting....errr. this girl
So When I discovered this paparazzi shot I moped, groaned, put my hands on my head and tried to reason myself from jumping off the ok fangirl ledge into complete crazyville. It was a close call as I tittered on the edge of sanity.
I went to my class and could not shake my mope. I dragged myself into the room of my BEST class. (God's timing is lovely aint it?)
Arms practically scratching the floor.
My students watched me with wide eyes. I barely managed the normal greeting before asking them to return the favor and ask about my life for once.
One played along.
"TEACHAH! how are you??"
"TERRIBLE!" I threw my head down on the teachers table and kept it there. My students GASPED in loud concerned shock.
"Teachah?" in worried tones "Why?"
"My idol crush...." I sighed, and they were hanging on my words. I barely picked my head up from the table. "Is dating another woman." I let my head hit the table again. (YES I WAS BEING DRAMATIC! sometimes it's fun to play with my kids this way....err. I was playing right???)
To which there was instant sympathetic groans and cheers of "Fighting teachah," "you're pretty teachah"
yes. thank you lovely student for making me feel better about my tendency to look like chewbucca.
I frowned extra deeply. "There are pictures." I made the camera snapping sound and demonstrated with my hands.
This is when the student with the large eyes, cute bangs, a band aid she literally wears on her face everyday(this is a mystery I've encountered for 2 years), and a mischievous smile, leaned forward to SLAM her fist down on her desk.
"OH SHIT!" she moaned in complete and utter empathy.
Now I'm normally a together teachah. I can handle most tomfoolery. but that was too much for me in my emotional state.
I laughed with both hands over my mouth to contain my squeals and turned to the blackboard. It was unsuccessful Of course my laughter led the rest of the class into chaos.
To which I had a class of 30 students repeating her phrase(LISTEN AND REPEAT Koreans are good at that)....not exactly English class appropriate. It was a chorus of "shits"
so Naturally I tried to look serious as I told her it was not a good word...but even that ended up looking like this....
Anyway...after regaining control.
I finished the lesson and returned to my desk. To which I automatically turned on facebook.
This greeted me. And let the giggle fest continue forever.
"Faith these are the real pictures" I've got some good friends and students eh?
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